This row of five stones, impressive despite the fact that three of the stones are fallen, stands in an area rich in prehistory.
When I visited in 2003 and 2010 the stones were beautifully set in a clearing amongst the trees of a forestry plantation. In 2014 the trees had been cleared and it was a bit of a Forestpocalypse. Not quite so pretty.
All of the stones are (or would have been) about 2.4-2.5 metres (around eight feet) tall. Several show signs of tooling. Stone D has marks that can be seen as a skull and cross-bones - however it is not clear whether this is just a trick of the eye or remains of later carving. Clearly the design is unlikely to be contemporary with the construction of the stone row!
23/32 A distant view of the stones from the south.
24/32 A closer view from the south.
25/32 A view to the east. Stones A (prostrate at the left), B (standing at centre), C(prostrate at the right), D (standing at the right) and E (just visible,prostrate at the right behind D).
26/32 Stones B, C and D (from left to right).
27/32 Stones A, B and C (from left to right).
28/32 Stones A, B, C and D (from left to right).
29/32 Looking from the south.
30/32 Stone E.
31/32 The yardstick stands approximately five feet tall.