Carnassarie Cairn
Also known as Carnasserie Cairn; Cairn on the Green Sheiling
A mile or so north of Kilmartin, this cairn is close to - but not quite on - the line of the cairns in the Kilmartin valley itself. A short distance away to the north stand
a pair of megaliths.
The cairn is approximately ninty feet in diameter and is up to four feet high. It was twice this height before it was excavated in the 1930s. During the excavation, a cist was found in the cairn containing a food vessal, ochre and charcoal.
An arc of twenty boulders was found within the cairn, and the base of the cairn was paved with boulders.
1/2 Looking south eastwards down on the cairn from the nearby hill <I>Bàrr Sailleach</I>.
2/2 A closer view.